Results conference material day 1

PROGRAM Thursday May 6th 2021


9:30 - 9:45: Introduction: OVAM approach on soil care and emerging contaminants - Ann Cuyckens - Head Soil Management Department OVAM


9:45-10:15:  The EU perspective on PFAS – already a blueprint for emerging pollutants? - Joerg Frauenstein and Dietmar Müller-Grabherr on behalf of CommonForum

Download the presentation here.

10:15-10:45: Results of an exploratory study on CECs in the Flemish soil - Kaat Touchant - VITO

Download the presentation here.


11:10 - 11:30: A fast and simple extraction method for the determination of PFASs in soil samples - HR-CS-GFMAS a new screening tool - Fabian Simon - Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und –prüfung Berlin

11:30-11:50: The possibilities of using effect-based methods in the soil-water system - Alie Talen - Bioclear Earth

In practice

12:00-12:20: Practical experiences in PFAS soilwashing - Philippe Goossens - GRC Kall

Download the presentation here.

12:20-12:40: Managing larger PFAS-contaminated sites in Germany – hotspot and diffuse contaminations of soil and groundwater - Michael Schubert -RSK Germany


12:30 -13:00: Poll