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Register now for the second series of EmConSoil webinars!

After last autumn's successful edition (which focused on addressing the Flemish PFAS crisis), we are broadening our scope and addressing other aspects of emerging soil contaminants.


March 9:   13 – 14 CET “Micro-pollutants of concern: presence in the environment, bioaccumulation and ecotoxicological consequences”, Lieven Bervoets / Thimo Groffen - Antwerp University, Dept. Biology

March 16: 13 - 14 CET “PFAS destruction in water via non thermal plasma (NTP)”, Wouter De Weirdt – Tectero BV

“DE-FLUORO - PFAS destruction solution through electrochemical oxidation”, William Leys - AECOM Belgium

March 23: 13 - 14 CET “Microplastic contamination in soil ecosystems – will it affect plant and soil health?”, Caroline De Tender - Ghent University, Dept. Biochemics en Microbiology / ILVO

“pesticide residues across European ecosystems and their hazardous characteristics”, Violette Geissen – Wageningen University, Dept. of Environmental Sciences

March 30: 12 - 13 CET “PFAS, deal with it! Putting things in perspective.”, Hans Slenders - Arcadis Netherlands 
(Note: This webinar starts an hour earlier than the previous ones!)

Recordings of the presentations will be available on the EmConSoil website.


  • Target audience: experts, contractors, policymakers, companies, scientists ... who want more concrete and practical information on dealing with soil contamination by PFAS
  • Language: English
  • Duration: 40 minutes presentation and 20 minutes Q&A

Topics for next series wanted!

For the next series (autumn 2023), we invite (international) stakeholders to participate in our webinars.

+32 9 233 48 66 |
Kerkstraat 108 – B-9050 Gentbrugge
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