Over Challenges of European environmental law towards 2030 - Webinar series: I. The Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive: joy or sadness at the 20th birthday?

Challenges of European environmental law towards 2030 - Webinar series: I. The Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive: joy or sadness at the 20th birthday?

The main objective of the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Directive is to achieve a high level protection of the environment and to promote sustainable development. SEA systematically examines the likely environmental impacts of certain plans or programmes in order to incorporate them into the decision-making process in the course of the corresponding preparation or amendment procedures. How has the SEA Directive performed over the last 20 years? What are the results of the European Commission's Regulatory Fitness and Performance Programme (REFIT) European?

Martin Führ carried out an empirical investigation, based on 125 German case studies and underpinned by interviews and workshops, inter alia dealing with the integration of environmental considerations into the preparation and adoption of plans and programmes, the alternatives assessment, the identification of measures to address and monitor significant environmental impacts. The project, on behalf of the German Environment Protection Agency, includes an actor-centred institutional analysis. It also includes a set of policy recommendations on the legislative and administrative level.

Jerzy Jendrośka, as a member of the Espoo Convention Implementation Committee and a member of the Aarhus Compliance Committee, was involved in a number of cases related to compliance with the Protocol on SEA to the Convention, in particular in relation to Trans-European Networks and lists of Projects of Common Interest. 


Isabelle Larmuseau, VVOR, Belgium/Flanders


Martin Führ, Sonderforschungsgruppe Institutionenanalyse (sofia)/Society for Institutional Analysis, Germany

Jerzy Jendrośka, Opole University, Poland


Debate with webinar participants

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This VVOR webinar is recognised for 2 points of continuing education.

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Registration fee:  Free             

Pre-registration is required 

The webinar is co-organised by elni and the Flemish Environmental Law Association (VVOR).

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